Awaken I Am - 'Kin'

Awaken I Am pull no punches on exhilarating new single, ‘Kin’, as they reflect on the tragic loss of a loved one.

Opening furiously with thunderous drumming, bubbling electronics and exhilarating guitars - ‘Kin’ is a track executed with an almighty sense of purpose. Awaken I Am soon change up the dynamics, switching between bleak and brooding, melodic alt rock arrangements, but the track retains a subtle tension, shifting back into the more ferocious arrangements with ease.

’Kin’ is filled with resentment and anger as the band attempt to work through the turbulent feelings associated with the devastating loss of their guitarist Connor, who was killed during an accident caused by a suicidal driving going the wrong way on a freeway. While the atmosphere of the song is taut and suspenseful, ‘Kin’ is at heart a huge, emotive, outpouring of love, capturing the many stages of grief and searching for catharsis in calling out the driver who caused the accident.

This is emotionally charged and high intensity alternative rock born from deeply tragic circumstances.

Words of Karla Harris