Artemis Aether - 'Arrakeen Moon'

Artemis Aether’s ‘Arrakeen Moon’ is spine-tingling exploration of brooding indie rock influences.

Artemis Aether is a project shrouded in mystery. But the ethos is intrinsically poetic and that’s a really beautiful thing. ‘Arrakeen Moon’ is comprised of all the components that I love about this vein of indie rock. It’s initially a sparse, slow burner with dark, dramatic percussion, a brooding, atmospheric vocal and introspective, thoughtful lyricism. This combination reminded me a lot of The National, who you might not be surprised to hear are one of my favourite bands.

Arrakeen Moon’ gradually builds with emotion, touching upon orchestral influences but showing a dignified restrain. While the production is affecting and ambient, the vocal and lyrics are really at the foreground of the song here, making for a richly emotive listen that leaves a lasting impression.

Words of Karla Harris