Album Review: Weatherstate - 'Born A Cynic'


Bristol pop-punks Weatherstate bring forth their debut this May. The album was recorded in a whirlwind ten days at the Ranch Production House. While members say they began to feel as if they were recording in a state of exhaustion induced sleep paralysis, the record certainly doesn’t have that effect on the listener. ‘Born a Cynic’ is an energetic ode to pop punk past and an optimistic look to the genre’s future.

Stand out tracks include ‘Brain Dead’, a bouncing banger that I can assure you is even better live. As the first single and an early cornerstone of the record, it’s the sort of track that really gets you up out of your seat as you listen. The album is littered with colour and flourishes such as the effect laden leads on songs like ‘Arteries’. It’s catchy and pleasantly weird, giving it a personality all of its own.‘Born a Cynic’ takes some classic elements from pop punk nostalgia and wraps it up into a new, unique package. The record feels well paced, growing on you with every soaring chorus and every driving verse. A band able to put out something this solid so early is surely one to watch in the years ahead.

Words by Nathan Blackstone

Born a Cynic, an album by Weatherstate on Spotify