Hugo M. Hardy - 'Swallow Your Words'

Hugo M. Hardy delivers a remarkable performance in his evocative live performance video, ‘Swallow Your Words’.

’Shallow Your Words’ opening with feverish strings and minimal piano keys seeing, Hugo M. Hardy pleasantly teases his listener into ‘Swallow Your Words’.Hugo’s vocal intimately leads the song, tenderly backed by a beautiful 3-piece harmony on the chorus.

As the track introduces more instrumentation, organic and electronic influences start to intertwine giving the song a contemporary feeling which fondly reminded me of Kidnap Kid and Leo Stannard’s live acoustic version of ‘Moments’.

’Swallow Your Words’ is an introspective song that explores Hardy’s perception of his own weaknesses echoed in the moving lyrics, “this is my delirium my defeat’. But the driving rhythm of the track is buoyant and catchy. The song both creates a feeling of emotional displacement but chimes with hope as it pulls with a moving magnetism that is devastatingly beautiful.

Words of Karla Harris