The Artist Explains: Adrian Chalifour - 'Open Heart'

Adrian Chalifour speaks to us about his vibrant indie rock single and powerful visuals for ‘Open Heart’, which features a dynamic drag performance from James "Jimbo" Insell.

Where was the video for 'Open Heart' filmed?
The video was shot in Victoria BC's historic E&N Roundhouse, an out-of-service rail yard.

How does the video connect with the song?
When I approached director SHIRAZ with this idea of a dance video for the song, I told him in my perfect world, the video would star someone whose story and life experience is totally distinct from my own, so they could offer a new perspective on the song's message and help make it more universal. The first thing he said was "I know who the star of this video is" and pulled up Jimbo's Instagram account. What Jimbo and the dancers from Raino Dance have done is take a simple song about being true to your heart and elevated it to deliver a super fun and powerful message about how much light and colour you bring to the world when you let your truest self come out. I'm in LOVE with this music video and not at all afraid to shout it from the rooftops 

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you could share with us?
To me the most powerful behind-the-scenes story is the fact that this video was shot at the end of November, in the middle of the night, literally in sub-zero temperatures and yet every person in every shot is radiating joy and positivity! That final shot where the ladies are laughing, jumping around and celebrating in the confetti were shot after 2 AM! Beyond their sheer professionalism, I think that speaks volumes about the magic that was in the room that night.

Could you tell us about the ideas/ themes/ imagery used?
James (Jimbo) would actually be a fantastic person to ask this - since not only did he design much of the setwork (such as the giant, illuminated heart), but he also created every one of his wardrobes for the video from scratch. The dance choreography by Monique Salez is also loaded with really intriguing imagery and themes worth watching several times over, though again my own insight on it is fairly limited. 

What do you hope people take away from watching the video?
Being your truest, most fantastic, open, giving, loving self is not just the best thing for you, it's the best thing for this world. More than ever we NEED to come together and work together. Getting past our differences isn't enough. Let's celebrate the SHIT out of our differences because the more perspectives and voices we have at the table, the better chance we're going to find the kind of creative solutions we need to move forward as a species... That grand enough for you? ;)

Interview feature by Karla Harris