xOxford – ‘Mezcal’

Colorado’s xOxford release the perfect ‘booty call’ track in ‘Mezcal’.

xOxford is the collaboration of RHIMMS and Eric Lake. With their second single release ‘Mezcal’, they have blurred the lines between dreary indie dream pop and indie guitar pop. There is simply a bit more to it than meets the ears. It opens with an electronic beat with an accompanying whale-song style guitar line that is reminiscent of  Manic Street Preachers’ softer and slower tracks (somewhere between ‘If This Is My Truth’ and ‘Lifeblood’). xOxford are experts at layering and creating moods and dynamics. The verse is stripped back to vocals and an electronic beat, but builds to fuzzy guitars in the chorus. The tempo doesn’t lift, but if you need something dreamlike with a bit more grit then ‘Mezcal’ is perfect for that mood.

There’s nothing new in writing a ‘booty call’ track, lyrically anyway. However, what xOxford have done hear is turn the subject on its head. Musically, the slow tempo and smooth guitar lead melody add a little bit of sexy to it (think AM). It’s almost as if you can find some solace and ecstasy despite the song subject.

xOxford are in the process of recording and releasing a stream of singles and an EP, so if this is right up your alley, make sure you become a fan of this band. They have a lot to offer.

Words of Matthew Brocklehurst