Sinead O’Brien – 'Taking on Time'


Sinead O’Brien is taking no time Taking on Time with her genre-less nightmare of Irish spoken word that’s reminiscent of being lectured by an adult who remains calmly controlled when angry.  

Possessed by ideas’ and part of an expansive collection of immediate cult status 7”s produced by the South-West London label Speedy Wunderground, (Dan Carey I love ya Swarmatron) Taking on Time brings train track rhythmic fragments from a distorted intersperse of missed calls and defined limits. 

Deliciously subversive and rejective of structured materialism all whilst remaining skeletally and lyrically direct in a ‘walled city’ frame of tightly forbidding consistency and chugged soundscapes that range from greyscale bleak to shimmered white space and elastic chorded.  

Words by Al Mills