A Day In The Life Of #10 - RTMKNG

After making a serious splash in his home country of South Korea these last few years, producer and songwriter RTMKNG has since been looking further afield in recent months, and has now landed on our shores with the wonderfully vibrant and catchy new single ‘Come Down’ ft. Lumin. With its darker and more thunderous tones, the producer is looking to bring a new angle to the K-Pop genre with a more house-orientated aesthetic.

We thought we would get to know a little more about his habits and how he likes to spend his days.

When my alarm goes off, I…
Always set a second alarm that goes off after 20 minutes and sleep again. I am so much happier this time.

At 7am. The first thing I do is…
Go to the bathroom and urinate. I’ll usually be in dreamland at 7am except waking up to urinate.

My typical day involves…
Cooking breakfast (I always cook breakfast), doing gym, making music all day, and digging new music before going to sleep.
My typical day is usually super simple.

The best part of my day is…
It's time to eat protein or chicken breast after a hard workout.

The worst part of my day is…
When I went to work and listened to yesterday's music that I made all day and realised it was terrible.

At the end of my day I…
Will dig new music for my DJing. This is an old habit.

If I wasn't a musician, I would have been…
An engineer to make robots. My major is factory automation.

Interview by Chris Bound

Have a listen to RTMKNG’s latest single ‘Come Down’ ft. Lumin below.