Maisie May - 'Lost My Love'
Press photos by Jordan Rodriguez Valenti
Though 2020 has affected everyone differently, one wouldn’t have though nostalgia would have been a feeling conjured by a global pandemic. Still it was one felt by New York’s Maisie May, who when quarantining upstate in her childhood home, the nostalgic feelings this in turn evoked manifesting in her latest single ‘Lost My Love’.
Dark, brooding and claustrophobic, it’s a track that both seeks to, and succeeds in, capturing moments and memories from a past life that seemed so distant, yet suddenly feel much closer when faced with tangible reminders. Sleek, glacial synths are given texture by the skittering percussion, while May’s vocal is lazy and understated; the apathy and derision aimed towards her past love’s palpable.
While the message is clear, its delivery, through a haunted haze of layered electronics and effects, provides something ephemeral and almost otherworldly – an aesthetic that drips through into the track’s video.
Filmed with a nostalgic haze itself, the video bridges the gap between mundane reality and a dreamlike sense of escape. It’s this idea of escape that’s not just at the core of the video, but of ‘Lost My Love’ itself, and in how losing love for someone, or even somewhere, can in itself be a liberating experience.
More than a little bit reminiscent of Canadian indie-poppers Dizzy, ‘Lost My Love’ is a woozy, almost narcotic offering that evokes feelings of nostalgia, and not always the rose-tinted kind. With that though comes a quite sense of optimism, and of liberation, and perhaps most importantly, of maturity.