Cloudy June - 'Goodbye to Honeymoon'

Cloudy June shares a sad bop with a personal story on understated pop single, ‘Goodbye to Honeymoon’.

We’ve all been there, that point in a relationship where you realise just how much truth is in the sentiment that familiarity breeds contempt.  Far from an easy realisation, it’s often the breaking point for most relationships, where even if you don’t part ways immediately, you know that it’s likely only a matter of time before that happens. 

It’s this moment that Cloudy June seeks to both explore and understand on her latest single ‘Goodbye to Honeymoon’, and while it’s undoubtedly an experience that will be familiar to all of us, the chances are that this is the only time you’ll want to repeat it.

Three and half minutes of understated pop, ‘Goodbye to Honeymoon’ is built around lush guitars, sharp percussion and subtle synths that serve as the perfect canvas on which June’s vocals are expertly laid. 

And it’s her vocal delivery that proves to be the track’s highlight. Harbouring both heartbreak and apathy in equal measure, June manages to convey the array of emotions that come with this situation perfectly; resigned to its inevitability, yet ultimately still not ready to face up to the act of breaking up itself. 

While break-up songs are certainly nothing new, it’s rare that an artist should employ such a deft understanding of a situation in favour of emotional gravitas. As such, ‘Goodbye to Honeymoon’ actually hits much harder than it might have done had it been exaggerated or felt overwrought. And though the overall commerciality of the track might well deter some people, it’s elegant, emotional and otherwise irresistible. The perfect example of pop done right.

Words of Dave Beech