Myles Smith and Kult Eviction - 'Play It Down'

Singer-songwriter Myles Smith and artist and producer Kult Eviction collaborate for a brooding hit of indie R&B on ‘Play It Down’.

There are some songs that just wash over you in overwhelming waves of emotion and that’s what Myles Smith x Kult Eviction deliver on ‘Play It Down’, a spacious song, that atmospherically bleeds melancholy through its melodic organic instrumentation and gritty electronic influences. ‘Play It Down’ plays its cool, slowly building up to its cathartic climax seeing the production gently cry out with fiery determination around Smith’s rich, brooding vocal as Smith searches for catharsis.

While melodically pleasing and packaged for commercial appeal, there’s a rawness to the track that gives it a perfectly imperfect edge, as the track explores “the emotional complexities/challenges of a persons mind and behaviours through love, toxicity and separation in the context of a relationship”.

’Play It Down’ roars with excellence in its entirety.

Words of Karla Harris