EP Review: MEI – 'No Steps Back'

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In the final instalment of her seasonal EP trilogy ‘No Steps Back’, South London vocalist MEI explores the complexity of relationships and finds peace in self-love.

‘No Steps Back’ spans three songs, each tackling a different aspect of the love cycle. Whilst ‘Sore’ talks about the effort of trying to save a relationship – “I have said everything I can […] and you know exactly where I stand, it’s in your hand. Let it go, what are you waiting for?”, ‘Dance To Pain’ captures the disappointment, heartache and resentment of a battle lost that is then dissolved in final track and first single ‘I Don’t Know What’s Next’ where MEI finds peace within and draws on the importance of self-love.

Sonically, this journey of growth and self-exploration is wrapped in sensual rhythms and MEI’s deep, soulful vocals - A combination that is hard to resist and emphasised even further by two rap verses in ‘Sore’ and ‘Dance To Pain’ that MEI uses to express her frustration: “Now you’re a joker dance to my pain, two step closer to your new flame.” However, all that frustration disappears with the first soothing notes of emotional centre piece ‘I Don’t Know What’s Next’ – a track that MEI describes as the most personal song she has ever written. 

“I’m not sure I'm ready to share it, but that's also exactly why I need to. The relationship you have with yourself is so important and this song documents my personal growth. That's never comfortable but honesty is liberating. I'm transformed because of this song and I hope it touches people the way it has touched me.“

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven

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