Introducing #108 - Ellie Moon


Let us introduce you to British pop artist Ellie Moon, who has just released her debut single ‘Indecisive’ - which is an unique hybrid of country mixed with pop-punk. She took a moment to tell us a bit more about herself and the story behind the new track. 

So your debut track ‘Indecisive’ is out now, how does it feel to finally have it out there in the music world? 
Sosososo good! So good.I feel like this project has been in the works for so long – like I've been growing it inside me waiting to give birth to my “musical” baby! I apologise for the graphic analogy! But I feel so excited to say I’m finally in a place where my music is starting to take on a life and image of its own. I can’t wait to keep developing and sharing it with the rest of the world and not just with my long-suffering neighbours through the wall!

What is the track about? 
I’d been wanting to write a song based around my resounding lack of timeliness and inability to make any decision. Ever. Typical  writing session followed “nope, hate it”… “nope, doesn’t work”… “we really need to stop”… then we got a eureka moment - “I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure” – we had the hook. This then gave us the basis of the song along with layers of contradictory actions and thoughts I always seem to have in my own life - I have genuinely changed outfits 3 or 4 times just before nipping to the corner shop (anyone who knows me can confirm my insanity) - all topped off with a generous helping of my typical late-teen flakiness. In the end after the initial hysterics, the lyrics and melody were down within the hour. 

The track is kind of a hybrid of country mixed with pop-punk, who would you consider your key musical inspirations when writing your own songs?
Yeah it’s a bit of a wild fusion isn’t it! Musically speaking I’m a big lyrics fan, I love mundane, cheeky, kitchen-sink drama kind of lyrics. People like Jarvis Cocker, Debbie Harry and I suppose even a bit of Lily Allen. Recently I’ve been into a lot of post-Punk/New Wave, Baxter Dury in particular. Joined with my mad love for Pop music, it kind of creates this odd hybrid of “quirky” lyrics and Poppy hooks that I think makes the actual music more sonically interesting, to me anyway. I also quite like art and reading too, so whenever I have the time I like to look elsewhere for more tangible and immediate inspiration, EXPAND MY MIND! I feel that looking to other art forms really breaks up the monotony of writing all the time. When writing I also try to give the song a personality and narrative of its own, so that it feels fun, authentic and original and not just a slightly different version of something that already exists. 

At the age of eleven you moved to Madrid, how do you feel that move has contributed to your choices as a musician? 
Ah yes, Madrid! I know it sounds a bit weird but because I was quite out of touch with a lot of the pop culture that my mates were exposed to during their early teen-hoods in London, it gave me a lot more freedom to discover and develop my own musical tastes without any preconceptions. I’d always been passionate about music since I was little, singing in all the school musicals and choirs - haha! But music wasn’t really a big part of my school’s curriculum in Spain, so it kind of forced me to reach out elsewhere to get my musical inspiration and satisfaction. I taught myself guitar, started writing some of my own songs (all very embarrassing and angsty obviously) and listening to different kinds of music. I remember listening to “There is a light that never goes out” by The Smiths for the first time when I was about 13 and thinking “THIS IS SICK - THIS IS WHAT I’M GONNA DO”.

Did Madrid have much a music scene or did you have to reach out further? 
Well I was only fourteen at the time so even if there was it’s not like I could be out on the town drinking beer and #rockingout  ‘till the early hours of the morning (at least not legally) - haha! But I used to go to loads of open mic nights at these funny Irish bars in the city centre. My Mum or Dad  (top legends) would come with me - like my entourage, no biggie, and watch me play my songs with my guitar. Craziest thing is, in typical Spanish-style, the sessions didn’t start ‘till 11pm most of the time. Everyone else at home doing homework and sleeping and there’s me and my parents ….

This is your debut track, so what next? What are your plans for the next few months? 
I have lots of plans!! Lots more music!! Release of further tracks for my debut EP, debuting my live show with my full band (who are soooo good), revealing another EP later in the year and as ever continued songwriting interspersed with shopping…… 

Ellie Moon’s debut single ‘Indecisive’, is out now and is the opening track to her forthcoming debut EP ‘Moonisms’.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing