French Alps Tiger – ‘Floor Is Lava’

French Alps Tiger’s ‘Floor Is Lava’ is a bratty track for bratty kids delivered in lashings of gritty punk rock flavour.

French Alps Tiger return with new single ‘Floor Is Lava’. It follows the release of last year’s brilliant ‘Tell A Lie’. The band maintain the slacker surf punk vibe of their debut, but ‘Floor Is Lava’ is a grittier and more aggressive affair. It would have to be, as it’s “a tune for the kids whose parents didn’t give a fuck and let them smack up on candy and fizz”. And we all know who these kids are. French Alps Tiger use the classic punk and rock n’ roll lyric format of repeating straight-to-the-point lines to get these kids across in the lyrics: ‘We’re climbing up a tree/We’re climbing up a tree/WE can’t fall down/The floor is lava’. Simple yet effect.

Musically too, French Alps Tiger play with more energy and grit on ‘Floor Is Lava’. With a sparse and intense intro of bass, drums and vocals; the fun truly begins when the band are all playing together. And there’s a solo, which is weird and quirky.

Words of Matthew Brocklehurst