EP Review: Egyptian Blue – 'Body of Itch'


Egyptian Blue are back with their second EP Body of Itch. It arrives following the critical acclaim of their debut EP Collateral Damage, which coincided with them touring with one of Dublin’s hottest bands, The Murder Capital, twice.

Body of Itch is a masterclass in indie-tinged post-punk. It comprises of three tracks. ‘Never’ was the first single release and set us up for what is to come in the superb EP. It’s quirky rhythms from the guitars and drums really drive the song as Egyptian Blue question what we’re all told by world leaders in the media. It’s very Gang of Four, with a hint of Squid; especially in the way the lead and backing vocals complement each other, and then weave around the music.

Opening track and second single release ‘Nylon Wire’ is inspired by “snapshots of conversations on a night out that trigger emotions thought to be locked away”. Again, very Gang of Four with jagged and choppy rhythms that suggest a nod to classic indie songs such as ‘A View from the Afternoon’.

If you’ve heard these singles already and like what you’re hearing (which you should) then ‘Four Is the Last Four’ is the one that you have been waiting for. And it doesn’t disappoint. Like the other two tracks, there’s that Gang of Four vibe (I know I keep on banging on about it, but there isn’t much music to fill the void Andy Gill left, is there?) built on funky and choppy rhythms. It’s a great track as the grunting staccato of the vocals that comment on the repetition of working life complement these rhythms perfectly.

What’s also noteworthy is the simplicity and tightness of the band throughout Body of Itch amongst the members, particularly the drummer. Although they sound pretty easy to get your head around, they are complex in practice. And that’s what gives Egyptian Blue their edge – there’s something straightforward to grasp for the listener, but once you analyse it, it’s really quite brilliant. 

Words by Matthew Brocklehurst