TV FACE - 'Yarns'

Lancaster’s TV FACE have taken on an interesting project this year to release a new single on the last Friday of every month. March’s instalment was the explosive ‘Yarns’. which followed February’s release ‘O Death is Coming’, which has received BBC Radio 6 airplay. So, you know any fan of post-punk guitar music is going to enjoy what TV FACE bring to the table.

And you should be. Like it’s predecessor, ‘Yarns’ is built around cool guitar riff after cool guitar riff. The mood, however, is more inline with the US 80s alternative bands such as Dinosaur Jr, Pixies or Sonic Youth. But don’t worry, TV Face do their own thing here. The lead vocals are gutsy without being aimless shouting. The backing female vocals have a Kim Deal vibe, but add a sense of melody, intricacy and interest for any casual music fan. But if you rock guitar fan, you’ll love it. ‘Yarns’ is brilliant.

TV Face only formed in 2018, yet they seemed to have found their sound already. Having “holed up in their cellar” to write, record and release new music is really cool. It harks back to the pre-internet DIY approach of history’s best underground bands. The singles will be released on CD EPs throughout the year with artwork from “singist/guitarist” sTeVe. How cool is that?

Words of Matthew Brocklehurst