The Artist Explains: FLYNN - 'One of Us'


Flynn - a name firmly on the rise, winning over listeners with his blissful voice and gaining over forty million streams online. He makes he return with a fresh new track ‘One Of Us’, he talks us through the track and it’s visuals. 

Where was the video for ‘One of Us' filmed? 
The video was filmed in Ireland, we got some great shots around Dublin and the Wicklow Mountains. Our director Nathan Barlow found an amazing Lighthouse on the coast called Poolbeg Lighthouse, we got there just in time for sunrise and the scenes were amazing!

How does the video connect with the song? 
For me, the video captures that feeling you get when you come home after being away for a long time. The day I finished school I literally booked flights and moved away from home for 4-5 years. During my time away I began to lose track of myself a bit, sometimes it’s easy to forget the important things in life, family and friends etc. It took a move back home to realise this, surrounding myself with my family and my old mates was all I needed to reset my mind again.  I was lucky to have my two best mates feature in this video, two lads that have known me since I was 12 years old. So I guess for me, the video is as real as it gets, we had such a laugh filming it. 
I used to go to the Wicklow Mountains with my mates, when we first started driving and could explore a bit- that amazing feeling of freedom and spending time with people that really know you, the kind of friends you can pick up where you left off no matter how long it’s been. 

Do you have any behind the scenes stories you could share with us? 
Between me and you, we may have had to break a bit of entry to capture the shots in the field with that amazing sunset in the background! It was a make or break moment (literally) we hopped an extremely high fence and had to climb down a 20ft drop to get into the field. Lighting is crucial for videos like this one so we had to act fast and get the shots! I’m glad we risked it though, because that sky looks pretty amazing!

Can you tell us about the ideas/themes/imagery used? 
I really wanted to capture an image of Ireland and show it off in its best light. Where I come from, I’m surrounded by countryside so I wanted to highlight that as well as show you the grittier, more urban side that I have always been drawn to for inspiration. The team I was working with really wanted to capture these places at their best, we filmed early in the morning and late just as the sun was setting, we were so lucky to get the shots we did, especially as it rains a lot in Ireland and we get a lot of grey skies. 

Is there a message the video is trying to convey?
Only that friends family and being “one of us” gives us the strength to carry on when times are tough in the real world, I’m very fortunate to have great family and friends who are always there to back me.

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