Getting Intimate With #13 - WANYI

Pop R&B singer-songwriter WANYI is ‘All In’ on her latest single and opens up to us about some of the movies, music, people, places and food that feeds her soul.

When I’m stressed I…
Write - everything that I’m feeling. Letting it out helps me calm down and understand the reasons behind my stress

The album I play over and over again is…
Bloom by Troye Sivan

thank u, next by Ariana Grande

The last person I spoke on the phone to was…
My mom

My favourite place in the world is…
Niseko, Japan. I love snowboarding and the powder (and the food) in Niseko is hard to beat

My favourite comfort food dish is…
Ice cream

My biggest regret is…
Not having more confidence in myself when I was growing up

The movie I watch when I’m sad is…
Not a movie, but I binge watch Friends

My last thought before falling asleep last night was…
Oh shit I have to wake up early for yoga in the morning...

The last book I read was…
Home Work by Julie Andrews