Introducing #146 - Little Diner


Let us introduce you to Little Diner, a lofi indie-pop trio from San Francisco, Pacifica and Chicago. They took a moment to talk to us about how the band started. 

So, your band is called Little Diner - where does that come from? 
The name "Little Diner" actually comes from an experience I had with some strangers I met during a flight delay between Miami and San Francisco last year. Our flight got to the West Coast 6 hours late, and the group of us all went to a diner at 3 am to celebrate finally making it. I had jotted a quick phone note down about the experience, where I referred to it as a "little diner". Later, when the band was talking, I found the note and we decided that the phrase had a nice ring to it- since the 3 of us were also brought together through funny cross-country circumstances.

How would you describe your sound? Who are your key influences? 
We see our sound as closest to fitting into the "indie-pop" genre, but we've had people call us everything from folk to shoegaze. Key influences include No Vacation, Wet, Snail Mail, and Phoebe Bridgers. 

How did the band start? 
The band has three members: Sam (me! lyrics & vocals), Cord (lead guitar, bass, production), and Vince (rhythm guitar, percussion, production). Cord and Vince were childhood friends, and then Cord moved out to the West Coast for work. He and I met through work, but live in different cities. So the music-making effort from the get-go has been remote! Cord and I realized we had a similar taste in music while working together, and then proceeded to start jamming with a few other friends of ours. He and I would often send snippets of ideas back and forth, and had co-written a few acoustic songs together. When we started working on Hold Me Closer we realized we had something special, and he brought Vince in to the group to round out the sound with additional instrumentation and production. 

Where are you based? What is your favorite thing to do there? 
Like said, the three of us are in three different cities! We are located in Pacifica, San Francisco, and Chicago. Apart from our shared love of live music, both Cord and I explore the local beaches and go on hikes often!

Your most recent track ‘Hold Me Closer’ is out now, can you tell us what it is about? 
Hold Me Closer is all about the feeling of realizing you’ve found love- the sensation of trust and wonder and warmth that accompanies a strong connection. I like to think of it as the emotional equivalent of coming into a warm cabin after being out in the snow. I feel like sometimes you fall in love without realizing it, and when it does finally dawn on you, you want to be with that person for forever- you feel invincible.