Inspired #142 - Tokio Myers

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Tokio Myers sends out a powerful statement with his new three-track EP ‘BLACK DAWN’ - which is out now and was released in support of the fight for global equality. Featuring a number of black artist such as Mychelle, Afronaut Zu, Kaidi Akinnibi and J’Danna, who have come together on the EP to tell their story. 

Tokio Myers took a moment to talk to us in more depth about the inspirations behind the EP. 

Who are you top three musical inspirations?
These keep changing depending on what projects I want to create + what state the world is in.. currently I am inspired by; 1. Hans Zimmer (One of the greatest composers of our time - I also admire the way he builds his team of creators to help bring his ideas to life), 2. Travis Scott (purley for his progressive approach to producing. He has one of the most energetic live shows in Hip Hop). 3. Ryuichi Sakamoto (I love how he creates a space and mood that transports you.. especially his solo piano music - he is so ahead of his time)

Is there a certain film that inspires you?
The Matrix trilogy - there's so much depth in those movies - feels like a message/spiritual download from another dimension to this one. 

What city do you find the most inspiring? 
London for writing - purely because of the overall chaos that this city holds.. I feel I can tap into the madness, which helps inspire me to create powerful & meaningful art. 

Who is the most inspiring person to you? 
I don't have one! Many people inspire me daily (famous or not). 

What were your inspirations when writing your EP 'Black Dawn'? 
Systemic racism and oppression - being a part of the revolution that is unfolding.. using our voice and skills to tell our story, and create discussion, into action/change. 

How would you like to inspire people?
To continue being a living, breathing, genuine version of myself!!

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