Ever Onward - 'Wishing These Days Away'

Post rock solo artist Ever Onward shares hope in trying times on cinematic offering, ‘Wishing The Days Away’.

New York based musician and songwriter Colin Berandini is at the helm at Ever Onward, and he is creating breathtaking compositions driven by ambient guitars and early emo influences. Providing uplifting and cathartic tones, ‘Wishing The Days Away’ sits besides five other joyous offerings on Ever Onward’s current EP, ‘Find A Way’.

On the ideas behind the track Ever Onward explains: “An inspirational song inspired by the trying times we’re be faced with as a global community. Inspired by darkness to promote positivity.”

’Wishing The Days Away’ is resplendent post rock that feels like a much needed hug from an old friend. Ever Onward plays with space and time magnificently, creating a textured grandeur that explores minimalistic dynamics and expands into a larger soundscape. A determination and euphoric offering that makes for an emotive listen. This is soul stirring music at its finest.

Words of Karla Harris