Rebecka Reinhard – 'No Release'


Swedish dream pop artist Rebecka Reinhard announces a brand-new EP alongside bright new single ‘No Release’. 

‘No Release’ starts off calm and gentle with tender guitar lines that embrace Rebecka’s captivatingly soft vocals. But, as tensions rise, pulsing drums and soaring hooks slowly begin to gain momentum until they explode into a firework of sound. 

Speaking about ‘No Release’, Rebecca says: "This song is where all the parts of me that are ever tired, hurt, worn out and fed up get to have their say. Tell their ugly version of the story. But it’s not a wallowing in self-pity. It’s a slow, rumbling war cry. An anthem being pushed relentlessly towards the edge of the cliff and finally hurled into the void." 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven