Will Joseph Cook – 'Something To Feel Good About'


In anticipation of his sophomore album ‘Something To Feel Good About’ (November 27th), Will Joseph Cook shares the record’s glorious title track. 

Joyous and sunny, ‘Something To Feel Good About’ is indie pop at its finest. Bouncy drums and sparkling guitar lines create a carefree atmosphere as Will breaks into an infectious chorus that was made to be played at full volume with the windows down. Lyrically, the track tries to make the best of a bad situation with heartfelt lyrics and a hopeful outlook on life – “The city is a little messed up, but we can make it better.”

The second single taken from his upcoming LP, ‘Something To Feel Good About’ showcases Will’s songwriting skills that have significantly improved since releasing his debut record ‘Sweet Dreamer’ in 2017.“I can communicate with music better than I did before,” he says. “I knew what sounded good, and what I liked to do melodically, but then in terms of something with an emotional connection, that's happened more on this album.”

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven

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