OSKA – Somebody

Vienna-based indie pop artist OSKA shares shiny new single ‘Somebody’.

‘Somebody’ is the definition of soaring alt-pop. Dark beats, magnetic rhythms and intoxicating vocals radiate strong anthemic energy. Paired with stunningly reflective lyricism, it goes straight to your head and takes over your brainwaves as OSKA breaks into an instantly infectious chorus - “I wonder if you are my somebody and if you can see someone in me. Or are you in love with a fantasy to be someone for somebody?”

Talking about the track, she explains: “’Somebody’ is about the first stages of a romantic relationship and the insecurities that often crop up. Can you be yourself completely around this new person in your life, or do you have to pretend to be somebody else to feel liked and accepted? On the other hand, you might ask yourself if this person is just excited by the idea of who you are, instead of liking you for who you truly are."

Words of Laura Freyaldenhoven