EP Review: Jolé – 'Silver Lake'

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London based songwriter Joshua Oliver, aka Jolé, showcases his stunning blend of folk and indie on new EP ‘Silver Lake’.

Born out of a trip to Los Angeles, the EP marks a new chapter on Jolé’s sonic journey. “It’s about sharing experiences, travelling the world, soaking in your surroundings and being grateful for what you have,” he explains. From gentle opener ‘Alpine Green’ over the disarming dual vocals of ‘Still’ to soothing closing number ‘Tie Dye Sky’, the EP is a masterpiece of human emotion. Each song thrills with intricate arrangements of gentle guitars and softly swaying melodies while Joshua’s tender vocals give them a warm colour. Focal point of ‘Silver Lake’ is his delicate, heartfelt lyricism that talks about the ups and downs of relationships – “Tongue-tied, I never got my words right when I had you by my side.” (‘Pictures Of You’). Talking more about the record, Jolé adds: “I wanted to create something simple, based around the guitar and vocals, putting emphasis on the lyrics. This group of songs are some of my most personal to date and each one holds its own identity.” 

A deeply personal exploration, ‘Silver Lake’ is a stunning follow up on Jolé’s self-titled debut album. The perfect record for late night drives and stargazing. If you feel like getting lost in beautifully crafted melodies and dreamy soundscapes, this is the one for you. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven