Taylor T - 'Home Not Hollow’

Singer songwriter Taylor T reminisces on travel and growth on ambient indie folk single, ‘Home Not Hollow’.

One thing rings true of Taylor T’s music- he is a coastal musician to the bone. Returning with his new single, ‘Home Not Hollow’, we’re instantly swept into the beachy landscapes of the south of England where Taylor is from. The slow rush of ambient noise and the fingerpicked acoustic guitar dance with each other so delicately that it’s hard not to yearn for summer evenings spent on the sand beside a campfire. 

His voice fits beautifully into the rustic folk scene we know so well from the past decade- the wise-storyteller’s grit of Ben Howard, with the delicate desperation of Damien Rice and Passenger. Taylor manages to find a balance between providing the warmth and nostalgia of the songwriters we love already and being refreshing enough to carry weight in his own name. ‘Home Not Hollow’ proves Taylor’s here to make his mark on the folk genre, with an undeniable sense of confidence in his song-writing ability.

The track is on the uplifting side of existential- perfect for stargazing with a lover, or staring out the car window on a road trip with the people you’re closest to, given the song’s topic of hazy nostalgia-inducing travel experiences. This is a song crafted from the heart of an artist who has clearly undergone tremendous growth, asking someone to take his hand so he can show them the world he’s seen in his time exploring.  ‘Home Not Hollow’ is one for the free-spirited. A song to keep you warm wherever you are in the world.

Words of Curtis Saunders