Jolé – 'Alpine Green'


There are a number of songs that are universally accepted as elite tier singles. Toto’s ‘Africa’ is one of them or Family of the Year’s ‘Hero’. London based singer songwriter Jolé (Joshua Oliver) may just have added a new song to that list with new single ‘Alpine Green’.

Through soothing soundscapes of gentle guitars and softly swaying melodies, Jolé gives life to a timeless beauty. ‘Alpine Green’ lives in a magical realm of loving vocals and the kind of pensive lyricism that breaks your heart while radiating an overwhelming sense of hope – “You’re far, but distance doesn’t break your heart, it gives us time to know our love.”  

"I wrote this song whilst being really home sick. The narrative is about experiencing something beautiful or uplifting that you wish you could share with someone that can’t be there,” Jolé explains. “It’s about feeling grateful in the moment but wanting someone you love to experience it with you also. However, in not being with that person, holding them in your thoughts or in your memory can sometimes be good enough.” 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven