Callum Pitt - 'Ghost'

Callum Pitt Press Shot 3 - Credit_ Lucy Hartley.jpg

Callum Pitt is aiming straight for your feels with his most emotive release to date with the brand new single ‘Ghost’. 

Pitt has come on leaps and bounds from his debut in 2017, building his ever-growing reputation around upbeat folk and his unique talent for riffs and soothing harmonics which has seen Pitt begin to gain popularity outside of his native North East. Pitt has been taking it up a gear for the last year or so, playing his first UK tour last Autumn and fast forwarding to now where he already has two singles under his belt for the year with ‘Out of the Trees’ and ‘Fault Lines’ and more pencilled as we roll towards 2021.  

Being from the North East, we’re well aware of the talent that Pitt possesses, but the release of ‘Ghost’ really does feel like it could be the truly breakout moment for this young man. Pitt has never been afraid to lay himself bare in his lyrics, with the likes of ‘Here If You Need’ from the ‘Poisoned Reveries EP’ being a prime example of this but ‘Ghost’ does see him go to place we never could of imagined. 

‘Ghost’ is the documentation of a long journey of watching a loved one deteriorate from cancer from beginning to end, there’s no doubt that the track offers the listener quite the gut punch but Pitt offers us a ray of sunshine in the happy memories that can be made in this time despite the dark clouds looming over. 

Pitt’s catalogue is beginning to be filled with quality and variety, with ‘Ghost’ being an harrowing but also enlightening string added to this lad’s incredibly talented bow. 

‘Ghost’, the new single from Callum Pitt is available now on all major streaming platforms.

Words by Danial Kennedy

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