Lucid Hoops - 'I Feel Used'

Lucid Hoops hit us in the face with gritty guitars with their latest alt-rock gem ‘I Feel Used’. 

Once again teaming up with producer Jack Donehue at Nauti Studios in Sydney, ‘I Feel Used’ is the follow up to the grunge vibes of ‘Kinder Company’ released earlier this year.  Taking a rather traditional pop-punk and turning it completely on it’s head. Guitar fuzz to the brim, with striking vocals to match. While also providing a sing-along chorus ready for sweaty venues. 

‘I Feel Used’ is about chasing and craving approval from people who might view you as expendable in their roster of relationships. The song also stems from the universal fear of being chewed up and spat out and the imbalance of power in a relationship. This feeling of powerlessness grows and all you want is attention and recognition, but these needs aren’t being met which can lead to paranoia. ‘I Feel Used’ explores coming to terms with being manipulated or being stuck in a vicious cycle while owning the situation with honesty.

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