Band Of The Week #152 - Normandie


This week’s Band of the Week is Swedish band Normandie, who have just released their new album ‘Dark & Beautiful Secrets’. With ten tracks filled to the brim with courage and strength, that are held together with modern guitar hooks and romantically infectious melodies - it sees the band wearing their hearts fully on their sleeves. They took a moment to talk to us about the release. 

Hey Normandie, how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there?
I was really nervous before any of the singles were out, cause we’ve taken such a big risk with the lyrics on this album. They are very personal and I thought people would have a hard time relating to them, but now after release I’m blown away by the response! It’s probably the best release we’ve had so far!

It is titled ‘Dark & Beautiful Secrets’ - does that have a certain meaning behind it?
Yes! This album is sort of like a therapy session for me, and i've realized that i've kept so much inside cause i've been afraid to be judged. But there is so much healing in sharing and even the darkest and deepest secret can be beautiful. It's what makes us human!

Where was the album recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the experience?
It was recorded in our own studio, so not very exciting in that way. I wish i could just go out to a studio in the mountains and let a producer work hers/his magic, but i'm way too much of a control freak. This time i even mixed it, that's how controlling i am!

There is a big track on it called ‘Holy Water’ - that has quite a strong message on social commentary - can you tell us what the track is about?
Thank you! It's about sheep mentality and blind faith/trust in leadership. To me it's about devoting your full trust to someone just cause they are a pastor, president or even a teacher. At the end of the day they're humans, with human flaws and drives! Be your own guiding light, and trust with one eye open.

The track ‘Mission Control’ looks at childhood and how we change as adults, what are your earliest musical memories and if you could go back to pass on some advice to your younger selves - what would you tell them?
Love that track! First time i get to talk about it in an interview, bravo! I remember sitting in front of the massive cd-player stack in our living room with headphones on, pressing the replay button for hours on a swedish kids song. I was maybe 5 or 6.

What are the key themes and influences on this album?
The theme is about me haha. Musical influences are everything from Robyn to Nirvana.

What is the key message you are trying to put out to your fans on this album?
I'm trying to set an example by sharing some of my darkest secrets, encouraging others to share their secrets with others. It's such an important thing to re-evaluate yourself and keep evolving, and growing stronger relationships- and that is done by bringing people closer to you and letting them inside your shell.

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album? If so - which one and why?
I think it's "Misery loves company and I’m surrounded". I'm saying both that i am extremely miserable, but being so in a lot of peoples presence - which is very true to me!

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