King No-One - 'Bad Porno'


Raunchy and undisputed, their first track of 2021 does not disappoint. 

If there’s one thing you can rely on from King No-One, it’s the energy and excitement that each of their songs seems to conquer; Their latest single ‘Bad Porno’, is no exception to this, as they’ve truly began to push the boundaries of their music throughout the last couple of years. Beginning with an acoustic riff that later turns into an electric guitar solo, not forgetting the hip hop inspired record scratch and percussion, the track is driven by a rousing variation that ties together seamlessly. 

“Lying on a bed of red velvet, with my shirt at the door and I know, I’m about to star in a bad porno,” sings lead vocalist Zach, as they delve into stereotypes and expectations, the track explores the toxicity surrounding sex culture.

Delivering an authenticity each time that listeners seem to love, ‘Bad Porno’ perfectly encapsulates the vivacity of King No-One, and following their releases of ‘Get You Right’ and ‘Roll of The Dice’ last year, it’s intriguing to see where they’ll continue to take their music.

Words by Emily McIntyre