Twin Diver – ‘Television’


Plans often don’t work out. Irish post-punk duo Twin Diver relocated to London at the beginning of 2020 to work the live circuits, but the pandemic got in the way. Instead, they began work on new material, and ‘Television’ is our first taste of what is to come.

Built around minimalist electronic beats and jangly guitars, ‘Television’ sounds great now and would’ve sounded great if it was released forty years ago. It’s hypnotic post-punk feel and baritone vocals are similar to Joy Division’s more upbeat singles and the Twin Diver give the song life with Johnny Marr-esque guitar lines. ‘Television’ intensifies towards the end with guitar lead that’s a bit dirty and soaked in reverb. On the lyrics, Twin Diver explain: “As people in general, we have a very precarious sense of self”, and is perfectly encapsulated in the hook of “And when I die, I hope they put me on television.”

‘Television’ is the third single from Twin Diver, but marks a new era for that band that certainly looks promising.

Words by Matthew Brocklehurst