ISLAND – 'Everyone’s The Same'


London alt-rock four piece ISLAND share grungy slacker slow jam ‘Everyone’s The Same’.

Set to a reverb-soaked backdrop of chunky guitars, distorted bass lines and tight drum beats, ‘Everyone’s The Same’ is “a song for anyone who’s angry at being told they can’t make any sort of difference or can’t be a positive force for change,” vocalist Rollo Doherty explains“I'd been getting really frustrated with this idea that as individuals our actions aren’t able to make a difference on the collective impact we're having on the world, the idea that we’re all destined to have a negative influence on the environment just by existing, and that everyone is equally guilty.” A frustration that finds release in the track’s roaring chorus as Rollo’s raspy vocals defiantly lift themselves over the stormy instrumentation.  

Following dreamy indie pop number ‘Octopus’, ‘Everyone’s The Same’ showcases yet another side to ISLAND’s sound. Infectiously dynamic and always good for a surprise, this band is gearing up for an exciting 2021.  

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven