EP Review: Courting – 'Grand National'


If you’re into bands such as Home Counties, Blanketman and Yard Act, then Liverpool four-piece Courting are the next up and coming outfit to get on your speakers.

Following a couple of self-released singles, Courting made a name for themselves as a band to watch in the Liverpool indie scene, resulting in their signing to Nice Swan Records and the release of the punchy garage indie single ‘David Byrne’s Badside’. Courting are going strength to strength and show that they are here to stay, as their debut EP Grand National proves.

Grand National features two previously released singles. ‘Grand National’ is Courting’s “best look at Middle England. Parents Evenings, horse racing, and watching the chemtrails from the lawns lined with astroturf”; and the Stranglers-esque pop tune ‘Popshop!’. Fans are treated to two unheard tracks that were saved for the EP. ‘Crass’, an early Arctic Monkeys meets Shame piece that is bound to get your head banging; and ‘Slow Burner’, a wonderful update on The Modern Lovers ‘Roadrunner’. All four tracks blend satirical and sarcastic lyrics with funky-based rhythms and indie post-punk guitars to create rock music that will sound great on the radio and in a live setting.

Courting follow other Nice Swan signings such as Sports Team and Pip Blom and are “on track to gate crash the mainstream.” If Grand National is anything to go by, you’ll be hearing more from Courting whether you like it or not.

Words by Matthew Brocklehurst