Ava Zarate – 'Tainted Eyes'


Rising artist and producer Ava Zarate showcases her exciting take on sound on dreamy new single ‘Tainted Eyes’.

To a relaxed backdrop of sluggish beats and laid-back rhythms, Ava’s soulful vocals feel warm and inviting as they surf the track’s gentle jazz-infused waves. Joined by the honey-coated tones of London vocalist Violet Jones, ‘Tainted Eyes’ is as gorgeous as it is relatable. "[It’s] a song about someone unattainable," Ava explains. "It’s a song about desire. A person who knows they are desired and loves to be desired. A person so beautiful, your eyes are tainted - both positively and negatively."

With her immersive production and stripped back textures, Ava Zarate creates a soothing blend of sound that feels like a soft embrace. A must listen for fans of Biig Piig and everything neo-soul. 

Words by Laura Freyaldenhoven