Thyla - 'Gum'


Brighton’s Thyla announce their debut album via Easy Life Records with new single ‘Gum’. 

We have always been big fans of Thyla, but this new track is a step up from their usual greatness. Big sounds with a euphorically atmospheric blissful vibe behind it. The album has been a long time coming (and waiting) when it comes to Thyla, and this time around it sounds like they have taken their creative boundaries and pushed them to the max. With tracks like ‘Gum’ in the arsenal of this debut album, we are putting it out there nice and early that is going to be one of the top releases for 2022! 

Vocalist Millie Duthie - "Gum is about shrugging the weight of the world off your shoulders - being stuck, knowing it, and choosing not to care. The world is weird; life is confusing. You're not always going to get what you want, but let's stop talking about it.”

Thyla will headline the Waiting Room in London on the 16th February 2022, and their self titled debut album is out on the 28th January 2022 via Easy Life Records. 

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