Introducing #251 - Anniina

Let us introduce you to nineteen year old singer songwriter Anniina - who steals our hearts with delicate debut single ‘Fire’. 

Hailing from Helsinki, Finland. Infatuated with music from a very young age, she was learning to play piano after watching a video in concert of Adele, which gave her an immediate springboard and notion that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. With this in mind, she continued to study and then moved to the Berklee College of Music at 18, furthering her knowledge and understanding of the art of songwriting.

She took a moment to talk to us about her music. 

Hey Anniina, how are you? So, your debut track ‘Fire’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about?
Hey, I’m good thanks, excited about this release! Fire is about life after heartbreak. Life goes on, but at the same time, you're so stuck in the situation and keep wondering what went wrong. I co-wrote it with my friend Sasha when I was going through heartbreak and moving away from home to a different country at the same time. I moved abroad and my life changed so much, but still I was so stuck in the heartbreak. You know when you’re going through a breakup or something and you just kind of see everything through a different lens.

Where are you from and what are your favourite things to do there?
I’m from Helsinki, Finland. I live on a little island there where it’s very quiet and peaceful which I appreciate more now that I’ve lived in the middle of a big city, Boston, for a while. My family is in Helsinki so now everytime I go I’m just mostly at home hanging out with my little brother. I also like to drive around in my mom’s Volvo with my friends.

What are the key influences when it comes to your music?
I don’t know where to begin. I fell in love with Adele’s songs when I was 9 and she’s always been a huge inspiration to me. I loved Tom Odell and Bon Iver in high school (still do). Phoebe Bridgers has definitely influenced my writing. Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey and Melodrama by Lorde are some of my favorite albums. I think I’ve been influenced by them all and so so many others. I was big into piano ballads and folky stuff when I was little but in recent years, I’ve been very into more electronically influenced pop.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
Dark pop with a folky, poetic twist.

Now the track is out there, what next for you?
I’m working on a lot of new music and will be releasing more soon! I really want to start playing live more too.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing