In Conversation With #291 - AK Patterson
Acclaimed singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist AK Patterson has just released her new EP 'Jailbird'.
Inspired by her time working in men’s prisons, ‘Jailbird’, is a raw and compelling narrative set inside a South London jail, bringing to life the tales of three prisoners. Through her sharp storytelling and evocative lyrics, she masterfully captures the gritty reality of jail life while painting it with an unexpected beauty, showcasing her talent for transforming even the darkest subjects into poignant, immersive stories. Patterson’s Jailbird is both a harsh and sweet exploration of life behind bars.
She took a moment to talk to us about how the EP came together.
Hey there AK Patterson, how are you? So your EP is out now – how does it feel to have it out there?
It feels great. The songs on this release have all been written out of different struggles, and I’m glad I get to let go of some of those obstacles. I’m excited to move onto the next thing and find my new focus for the next few months.
It is called ‘Jailbird’ – what is the meaning behind that?
Jailbird is the name of the 4th song which completes the EP, it’s a song inspired by my job working in men’s prisons in South London. I would go into the prison and sing with the residents for a few hours. The term Jailbird, is often used to describe someone who has been in and out of prison a lot, and it perfectly summed up the nature of my job which was to sing with them. On a more personal note it held a deeper meaning to me after having been diagnosed with a muscular health condition in my throat which caused me to lose my voice for 8 months. Jailbird also captured how I felt for the period of time, as my voice was literally trapped inside the cage of my own body. I’m sort of expecting the next release will be more focused on freedom and release.
Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are willing to share with us?
I recorded parts of it all over the place. I kept elements of my demos, including the main vocal in ‘I Don’t Know How to DIe’, which was recorded in a friend’s house in Devon. But mostly it was recorded in studios in and around London. I used three different producers, Charlie Andrew who I’ve worked with before (alt-J, Marika Hackman, David Gilmour), my mate Jasper Trim and Matt Zara who recently won a Grammy. I selected each of them according to whose style I thought would suit each song. A lot of it was recorded in the dark, my favourite thing to do when in the studio.
What are the key influences behind the EP?
I try and use as much of real life as possible in my writing. The main influences of my writing come from my own experiences and my ability to hopefully capture the poetry in ordinary life. The themes of the EP are largely about the complexities of the human experience and how resilient we are. There’s a song about imprisonment, heartbreak, pain and death. Each one holds a lot of darkness but also hope and I really hope people find both within them. In terms of my musical influences I am inspired by so many things it’s always hard to pin things down. A lot of my key influences come from old music that I continue to rediscover. A random mix of personal favourites over the last year have been Dave Van Ronk, TOOL, Adrianne Lenker and Emile Mosseri’s film scores.
If the EP could be a soundtrack to any film – which one and why?
The new Peaky Blinders film….which I think is coming out in 2026. My family is Brummie and I’ve been obsessed with that show/ the music on the show ever since it started. My family history goes all the way back to the 1860’s, where they used to be blacksmiths in Bromsgrove. I’ve always been obsessed with that period of time, especially the social history side and how hard people had to work despite all the odds.
Do you have a favourite lyric on the EP? If so, which one and why?
“Tie me to a sinking ship, and I will find a way to float”...a line from I Don’t Know How to Die which sums up my experience of the last two years and all the challenges I have faced in my personal and musical life. It’s obviously impossible, but I think it sums up the aspect of my character that finds it really hard to give up when I’m set on something.
Now the EP is out there – what next for you?
Writing and recording the next one which I’ve already started. Most importantly I’m going to be and be alone for a bit, and take a detox from tech and people and social media. I’m going to go into my writing cave which quite often I need complete isolation for.