Band Of The Week #213 - VUKOVI

This week’s Band Of The Week is Scottish band VUKOVI - who have just released their highly anticipated new album ‘NULA’ via Lab Records.

VUKOVI are an ambitious band, and 'NULA' is an ambitious record, filled with big, punchy riffs amalgamated with extreme pop that has made them such a band to be reckoned with. The record has a careful sonic blending of nu metal, shoegaze, rock, punk, pop, electronics and sample. Now a two piece, vocalist Janine and guitarist Hamish are VUKOVI, and have spent these strange two years gone plotting in their Glasgow base. 'NULA' is, as vocalist Janine explains 'A concept record', which charts the journey of this character (called Nula) in a distant, far off, Sci-fi world.

They took a moment to talk to us about how it all came together.

Hey there Vukovi - how are you? So your album is out now - how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
Very relieving and exposing at the same time

It is called ‘NULA’ - what is the meaning behind that?
NULA is an alien found by accident during the first landing on Mars where she was kidnapped by MULTI FACETED capitalist company Sanctity Corporation. 
Fast forward 20 years where the album begins is the first Colony ship headed to Mars from Sanctity Lunar Port. 
What has been done with NULA and her otherworldly powers all this time and is she on the ship?

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
45 a side in Glasgow and remotely as we did some of it during covid. A Lady Gaga speach was meant to feature on XX but her management changed their mind last minute and I had 2 days to write and record a new speech. I’m actually grateful that happened though as it gave me the confidence to use my own voice. 

What are the key themes and influences on the album?
NULA represents the thoughts and feelings of a survivor; realising their own strength and resilience.
It represents life after trauma and being in the darkest headspace imaganible but finding that inner fighter within them to slowly piece themselves back together again.
NULA represents female empowerment and inspiring others to feel like they are enough. 
Influences vary from Britney Spears, BMTH, Rage, Hans Zimmer, Bilie Eilish 

If the album could be the soundtrack to any film - which one would it be and why? I
The soundtrack to the full length feature of NULA directed by Ridley Scott. I am currently writing a graphic novella about the story of NULA

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album - if so, which one and why?
“You sow a bed of bitter blood, watch I grow to bloom unloved” 

Now the album is out there - what next?
To take Vukovi from an UK band to an international band. We give people hope and empowerment through our music.

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