Introducing #203 - The New Twentys

Let us introduce you to London based band The New Twentys - who have just released their euphoric indie banger ‘Hearts In The Right Place’ - a track about give the middle finger to all the people who try to trample on your passions. Taking influence from the likes of Primal Scream, Fat White Family and Talking Heads, the band have been making quite the impression on the live scene the past year. They took a moment to talk to us about their music. 

Hey there, The New Twentys, how are you? So your track ‘Heart’s In The Right Place’ is out on the 28th - can you tell us what it is about?
We are so excited to have this track out there! This song is for everyone who feels patronised by someone for following their dreams.  You know, we are often asked  ‘Oh how's the band doing?’ and after explaining all the trials and tribulations, highs and lows, (crazy industry to start with, plus a pandemic for good measure) a common response is a condescending ‘Well at least your heart’s in the right place and you’re doing what you love, you’re still young, I guess’... probably the same type of person who came up with the government’s “Rethink, Reskill, Reboot” campaign. This song serves as a middle finger to all the people who try to trample on your passions, the types that act like they’ve got life figured out, and want you to share their same small view of the world. 'They say my heart's in the right place as though the rest of me ain't'

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us?
We actually started recording this track down in Cornwall on a very minimal setup.  The first version was way more chilled and tame compared to the final version we have put out.  We then took it back to our studio where we added live drums and rocked it up a bit!

You are based in London, what are your favourite things to do there? Where is the best place to go for a pint?
Yeah we are all just outside of London which I think is the perfect place to be because you still get whatever that little feeling of entering the capital is, I guess the novelty of all the chaos doesn’t wear off as quick.  Mostly we go to gigs rather than a favourite pub to be honest.  Recently we had a great time seeing some acts play at The Waiting Room in Stoke Newington. We put on our own headline show in November actually at The Comedy Pub right in the centre of Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus so that is a new favourite of ours now. You can often catch us around the Soho area to be honest because we always swing by our mate’s coffee shop called Abuelo and Jimmy actually used to work there for a bit.

How did the band start?
We met at gigs in London a couple of years back and then discovered we all love writing music.  Chris invited us down to his studio for a writing session which we were slightly hesitant about as we hadn’t really written with other people before because we always had each other to bounce ideas off.  We all realised we clicked as people on our first writing session, and then on our second session we realised we had created something that neither one of us as an individual would have thought of creating.  Fast forward three 6 week stints writing down in Cornwall and a ridiculous amount of songs later, we were all equally emotionally invested in the project and couldn’t imagine not being a band playing these songs live together.  

What are your key influences as a band?
We kind of amalgamate all our influences.  We all grew up loving pop punk and the whole Greenday, Blink 182 scene but then as we got older we fell in love with all the greats like Prince, Bowie, Talking Heads, The Cure and The Clash etc.

Now this track is out there, what next?
This year is gonna be filled new tracks from us, we wanna keep things fresh and continue on from where we left off last year. Therefore we will be releasing a new track every 6/8 weeks, without fail! It’s great to finally have this song out there, it’s definitely a musical progression for us in terms of production, the drums rock way harder than before and the guitar tones are definitely harder. We have a lot of music that we’ve been working on, that’s naturally evolved into a more experimental path. As an independent band, we are happy to explore different sounds and avenues to help appease our creative nature. So this year you can almost certainly expect some curve balls from us :)
We are also going to be playing lots of shows and we are in talks about a tour in April and have been booked for a couple of festivals over the summer! 

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing