Band Of The Week #187 - King Hannah

This week’s Band of the Week is Liverpool duo King Hannah, who have just released their debut album ‘I’m Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me’ via City Slang.

A blend of noisy-lo-fi nineties bands influences with it’s own unique moody cinematic quality. Filled to the brim with honest wit - these twelve songs are full proof that King Hannah are truly one of the most interesting bands around at the moment. The duo took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there King Hannah, how are you? So your debut album is here, how does it feel to have it finally out there in the world?
Hannah & Craig
- It’s unbelievable!! We’re so, so grateful and just so excited to play some of the new tracks on our EU and US tours this year!! 

It is called ‘I’m Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me’ - what is the meaning behind that?
Hannah & Craig
- We’ve tried to make an album that we love with as little compromise as possible that we’re inviting people to listen to. Maybe they’ll love it, maybe they won't, but it’s ours and it’s out there regardless!  

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories from the creative process you are happy to share with us? 
- We rented a rehearsal room which doubled up as a make-shift recording studio for 9 months, with Ted White who recorded and produced the album. Our deadline was pretty tight, so we’d bring a new song to the band, rehearse it and then record it soon after, sometimes the next day! And while we were working on one song, I’d be writing the next one at home in my bedroom. It was a pretty military system, but it had to be, it was our only option!
Craig - It was a very busy, hands-on time, when I look back on it. It was great having our own room that we could access whenever we needed to because that meant we could re-record parts or songs if they weren’t sounding quite right. I really like the DIY approach we took for this album.

What are the key themes and influences on the album?
Hannah & Craig
-  Honesty’s a big one, to keep the whole thing as raw and DIY sounding as possible. In our opinion, all of the best music is stuff you can hear, that’s open and handed to you on a plate, nothing’s too layered or hidden or overly produced. Same with lyrics too, you can hear the whole story. 

Do you have a favorite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why?
- I really like the line ‘and I’m really sorry for all the moods that I get in’. 
Craig - I love ‘And on snowy, snowy days, my Taid would make a sledge for the girls, from plastic and wood.’ I just think this entire song is so visceral and nostalgic and beautiful. Hannah is an exceptional writer, and I remember her showing me this song for this first time and just feeling like I was there with her during these intimate moments of her childhood. 

If the album could be a soundtrack to any film, which one would it be and why?
Craig -
That’s a tough one! Probably something low-budget and indie and melancholic. Maybe a Richard Linklater or Terrence Malick film, something really warm and human.

Now the album is out there, what next for you?
Hannah & Craig
- Everything is happening so fast, it’s hard to keep up! But we have a very exciting year ahead, starting with SXSW and our showcase at Brooklyn’s Union Pool this March, followed by our debut headline EU and US tours! Festivals too…It’s mad but we absolutely love it and wound’t change it for the world!!

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