Introducing #209 - Erica Manzoli

Let us introduce you to singer-songwriter Erica Manzoli - who has just released her debut single ‘My Best Friend Is My Therapist’. 

Written over lockdown, the track narrates feelings of disconnect and modern anxiety in a digital world after losing touch with friends over the pandemic, and being confined to her house where digital conversations with her therapist were her only regular communication. 

She took a moment to talk to us about her music. 

Hey there Erica Manzoli, how are you? So your debut track is finally here, how does it feel to have it finally out there?
Hey! I’m a little terrified to be honest but also all warm and fuzzy at the same time! I wrote this song alone in my bedroom and it feels like a piece of me so giving it to the world is a really exciting but vulnerable feeling.

It is called ‘My Best Friend Is My Therapist’ - what is the meaning behind that?
I wrote this song during lockdown, I had lost all contact with my friends and was very lonely. The only person I was talking to on a regular basis was my therapist on zoom. Being isolated at home for months and trying to navigate things like relationships, platonic or romantic, is extremely tough. I found it quite ironic that connecting virtually can also disconnect you from reality and really wanted to touch on that in this song.

It was written during the Covid lockdowns, did this experience of being locked indoors effect your music in anyway?
You’re right it did! Before the pandemic I was writing with producers and songwriters all the time so when lockdown hit I was extremely anxious that I wouldn’t know how to write on my own. But actually I ended up writing some of my best material! I used to struggle to open up when writing with others and stripping back to basics and writing alone in my bedroom provided some safety. It was the first time I got to be completely raw and honest. I posted some short clips of these songs on Tiktok and was amazed at the positive reaction. With the pandemic happening I wasn’t in the best headspace and I realised a lot of people felt the same way. It really encouraged me to continue to open up in my songwriting.

Where are you based? What are your favourite things to do there? Where do you go for adventures?
I’m from Peckham! it’s got a beautiful park and I love picnics there. I’ll admit I’m a little bit of a house mouse so my favourite thing to do is watch movies and play board games.

What are the key influences when it comes to your music?
This is always a tough question! I’m not really sure where my musical influences come from truthfully. Growing up my parents used to play Eminiem’s relapse album and the the Black Eyed Peas on repeat. In fact I got told off in reception for singing My Humps!

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
Neither pop nor moody but also both.

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing