Introducing #210 - Sprout

Let us introduce you to Burnley based soulful singer-songwriter Sprout - who has just released their debut track ‘(I’m Just) Getting By’. The song is a homage to the golden age of cinema: inspired by jazz icons like Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald, it’s a modern take on a classic sound. 

Born and raised in Burnley, Lancashire, singer-songwriter Meg Grooters’ project “Sprout” began as a small collection of songs written to get thoughts and feelings onto paper without imagining that anyone else would ever hear them. 

Talking about the conception of Sprout, Meg says: “it was at this time that I realised I was gender-queer (later, and now, non-binary), and I really wanted to explore it in baby steps. I was scared and apprehensive to do it in my daily life, so I guess I wanted a safe space to release some music without it being a big deal, but also to explore my gender and how I present myself, so it made sense to merge them together- and from this came Sprout!” 

Sprout took a moment to talk to us about their music. 

Hey there Spout, so how are you? Your debut track ‘(I’m Just) Getting By’ is out now - can you tell us what it is about?
Hello hello! I’m good thank you, happy to not have been blown away by Eunice.
Putting it plainly Getting By is a song about the intimacies of loneliness and depression. I wrote it during my first winter at University, with my then-new pal Katy. It was awkward trying to write a song about a topic as personal as depression with someone I didn’t really know, so Katy and I got drunk and then I woke up the next day with a voice memo of this song on my phone. I remember us thinking it was fun and silly as we were writing it, but then when I listened back with a mazzy hangover, it wasn’t so much.

There is a lot of golden age cinema influences on this track, if this track could feature on any film soundtrack - which one would it be and why?
Hmm, I’m not so sure if it would or ever could feature on such a classic but as it's one of my fav films I would want to pick ‘It’s a wonderful life’. Maybe because its themes feel similar but mainly because I just love and adore the movie so much.

Where are you based? Where do you like to go for adventures?
I’m based in Liverpool! But I do like to go on adventures near where I grew up in Burnley. Particularly love Pendle Hill (it’s more than a nice hill), and Hebden Bridge (it’s more than a nice bridge).

What are the key influences when it comes to your music
Got my four mains which I was raised on being Joni Mitchell, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Stevie Nicks. I also am super influences by the other musicians in Liverpool such as Broken Down Golfcart, SKIA, and Ni Maxine to name a few.

Now your debut track is out there - what’s next for you?
More sad songs and more silly costumes!

WTHB OnlineFeatures, Introducing