Video Premiere: Malin Andersson - 'Reef'

It has been four years since Scandinavian singer-songwriter Malin Andersson released her album ‘Follow’ - she is back with her first taster of new material with her latest track ‘Reef’. 

Recorded between London & Grästorp, Sweden with co-producer Anders Rane and mastering engineer Moritz Hausler (Bat For Lashes, Marina And The Diamonds, HONNE), Reef’s lush arrangement of ethereal guitars & textured strings is the perfect accompaniment for Malin’s mellifluous vocal style & intense sensitivity.

“Reef is the first of a collection of songs I wrote about High Sensitivity, deciding to no longer apologise for my own sensitivity whilst also allowing and encourage others to do so. I feel it’s a song that has a very personal connection to me. Comparing to many other songs I’ve written in the past, often on heartbreak, with this song I rather wanted to spread a message and diminish the sometimes expected “toughen up and power through” mentality. It is a gift to be sensitive, use it and don’t hide it!” - explains Malin.

We are delighted to be able to give you an exclusive look at the visuals for the new track. 

WTHB OnlineVideo, Features