Inspired #355: BOOTlace

Edinburgh five-piece BOOTlace have just released their new single ‘Portrait’, a rousing indie rock offering that harbours echoes of bands such as Frightened Rabbit. We caught up with them to find out about their inspirations.

Who are your top three musical inspirations and why?

LCD Soundsystem, blew our minds adjusting to 6 minute intros and was what we (Joe + Ben) listened to while moving to Edinburgh. 

Frightened Rabbit, what we were listening to while we founded the band. The Midnight Organ Fight was an album that changed our lives as teenagers, and the tragic loss of Scott was something that probably shapes us today.

The Killers, (this is just Joe) honestly soundtracked my whole childhood. Hot Fuss was in the car every day every hour every minute, and listening to it as an adult brings me the same joy as it did back then.

Is there a certain film that inspires you and why?

Not that it necessarily inspired the band, but a short film by our friend and talented director Bonnie Macrea Mind Yersel is all about the suicide epidemic in Dundee and from a wider lens this country. It's absolutely amazing and stars Stephen McMillan (Boiling Point, Outlaw King) who's absolutely captivating in it. It's such a huge issue that hits all over the country, Tingle (Bass) in the northeast, Gideon (Drums) in London and me and Ben and Archie around Scotland, I think we're all hyperaware of how widespread the issue is.

What city do you find the most inspiring and why?

When I moved to Edinburgh it fucking blew my mind. Sounds wank cuz I've lived hear for going on five years now and we've all been about and travelled n all that. Edinburgh's just a place I always want to come back to.

Who is the most inspiring person to you and why?

Had this teacher in school who could read minds n that. Here's to you Dr McNeil!  

What were your inspirations when writing ‘Portrait’?

It's originally for Tingles mum. We (me and Ben) kinda stole his song and ran with the lyrics a bit. We ended up with this thing that I think touches on english patriocy and the weird jealousy around not being able to celebrate that. 

How would you like to inspire people?

Nah people shouldn't be inspired by us. Our aspiration for inspiration reaches only to the point where folks have a good time at our shows and love our tunes. Beyond that they should go out and inspire themselves. 

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