Artist Of The Week #190 - elkyn

This week’s Artist of the Week is elkyn - who has just released his debut album ‘holy spirit social club’ via Curation Records. 

‘holy spirit social club’ sees elkyn aka Joey Donnelly put his uncensored inner dialogue on paper, bravely airing the thoughts most wouldn’t dare expose. Whether that’s hurtful messages to one’s self, vague and elusive memories or lingering lessons from childhood, it’s all here on ‘holy spirit social club’, unfiltered and searingly honest. 

This sincerity is matched in the music. While the arrangements on ‘holy spirit social club’ are far more expansive than those heard on 2020 EP ‘beech’, tender finger picks and elkyn’s distinctive half-whisper still remain at its heart. Though the pain is palpable, its impact is meditative, enveloping the listener in a safe haven where you feel free to acknowledge the darker parts of yourself. 

He took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there elkyn, how are you? So your debut album is out now, how does it feel to have it out there in the world? 
Still sad, how are you? Scary but relieving. It’s been a long time in the making and a lot of work from everyone but lovely to finally let everyone in on what we’ve been doing for the last couple years.  

It is called ‘holy spirit social club’ - what is the meaning behind that? 
So we recorded the album at the nave in Leeds, which used to be an old church. There’s pictures of the place before the renovations started and one that popped out was the door to the old church social club, which was called ‘holy spirit social club’. I really liked the name and the pictures so that’s what all the album artwork is too!

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us? 
Recorded at the nave in 2020, which feels like a long time ago, maybe that is a long time ago. It was pretty intense, I remember that. It was just after the first big lockdown, we were the first back in the studio so it was mostly done wearing masks and sanitizing our hands till they were bone-dry. We had five days to do as much as we could on the album, then Mark did all the finishing touches at his studio back down south. Had a good team going for the five days though, my brother came in to play drums and keys parts as well as Mark’s son Liam who did some of the drums too and percussion bits. Then we hijacked a session Mark was doing later on in the year and got Charlotte in to do all the backing vocals. So it ended up being a room full of some pretty lovely musicians. Mikey (epilogues), Liam (blue hour), Charlotte (marnie glum). Also helped me feel a bit more comfortable cos I’ve written and played music with Mikey since I was 12/13 and had been playing with Charlotte for a while. 

What are the key themes and influences on the album? 
I think the key themes are probably around growing up. I wrote all these songs when I was 18 to 22 years old, so it’s all pretty much about that time of going from a teenager into a young adult, moving away from home, being on my own for the first time and navigating all of that. There’s a lot in there about relationships, friendships and growing apart from people and places and a whole lotta regret. 
I took a lot of influence from singer songwriters and solo artists like Gia Margaret, florist, Talons’ etc. Then from bands like Big Thief and Phoebe Bridgers. And THEN instrumental artists, composers and more classical musicians like Daniel Hart, Nigel Godrich, Sleeping at Last. 
Then there’s the influence from people, like my family and friends. I’ve always been around music since I was a kid and I’ve learnt a lot from all the people I’ve played in bands with or my friends bands I’ve watched or listened to whatever people have had on when I’ve been round.

Do you have a favourite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why? 
“Don’t say it’s the end yet. Thought this weight could waste away, was it worth it?” - Just kind of sums up the whole thing for me of leaving someone cos you think it’s the best thing for you, but you still carry the same “weight” with you after / you’re still struggling.  

If you album could be the soundtrack to any film - which would it be and why? 
About Time. It’d have to be a romcom and what better than one about someone who could go back in time. Just reminds me of the lyric “dial it all back and i’ll fix it” in ‘found the back of the TV remote’ as well as the load of other lyrics I’ve written with the same gist. 

Now the album is out there - what next?
I’m on tour around the UK from the 18th March to the 3rd April with S. T. Manville! We’ve got more music in the bank and gigs lined up for the rest of the year. 

Live dates:
8/03/22 Hyde Park Book Club Leeds
19/03/22 Fulford Arms York
20/03/22 The Castle Manchester
24/03/22 Scale Liverpool
25/03/22 JT Soar Nottingham 
26/03/22 The Flapper Birmingham
27/03/22 Duffy's Leicester
29/03/22 Strongrooms London
30/03/22 Folklore Rooms Brighton
01/04/22 Clifton Community Bookshop
02/04/22 Tiny Rebel Cardiff

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