Bollo Bollo - 'Liquid Heaven'

Bollo Bollo are back with an impressive new track that points to a promising debut EP for the four-piece indie-pop band.

Sad lyrics over a deceptively peppy melody is a tried and tested formula that Bollo Bollo have managed to breathe new life into with ‘Liquid Heaven.’ Dreamy arpeggiated guitar chords, tightly wound percussion, and solid bass lines drive this head-bob-compelling melody along. If this is anything to go by, then the Buckinghamshire-based band’s newly announced debut EP, I’ve Got a Good Feeling About This, is one to watch out for.

The song’s lyrics grapple desperation and addiction (lines like ‘if I drink it, can you tell?’ will hit you in the gut). “[It’s] a song about alcohol addiction and the sad routine-like cycle that it can become, yet being unable to break from within its grasp,” explains Sunny Ford, Bollo Bollo’s guitarist.  “We wanted to juxtapose the more serious nature of the lyrics with an up-tempo feel and snappy vocal delivery – almost like nding the light in the dark.” 

The music video released alongside the catchy track takes this mission statement to the next level. A tongue-in-cheek descent into madness plays out before us as we watch a man attempt to quash his addiction to oranges. It’s a surprisingly affective metaphor, especially when coupled with the fact that we hear nothing else except the song for the duration of the video – all dialogue is communicated via subtitles. Perhaps, this is designed to give the listener a small insight into just how all-consuming addiction can be – our protagonist’s longing is quite literally the only thing he can hear. 

Words by Izzy Rowley