CRAWLERS - 'I Can't Drive'

CRAWLERS, an exciting four piece powerhouse from Liverpool, release their infectious new single ‘I Can’t Drive’. 

After the success of hit single ‘Come Over (Again),’ which took the Internet by storm and landed a place on the Official UK Singles Chart, CRAWLERS are back with another powerful track that once again proves that they are music stars in the making. 

The track starts with lead singer Holly Minto’s compelling, unique vocals over a soft guitar strum that makes us anticipate the building of momentum and energy that is to come, which is provided by Harry Breen’s masterful drumming. The lyric in the bridge “take it from me, I’m not looking for anybody” is instantly an irresistible earworm. We are then launched into an anthem of a chorus with the memerising guitars combining brilliantly with Minto’s emotive vocals. 

When speaking about the track, the band describe it as being about “the romanticism of mental illness and heartbreak and how the media portrays it compared to reality.” Elaborating further, singer Holly Minto says ‘I Can’t Drive’ is inspired by “how me and my sibling went through the break ups of relationships. My mum ensured that we didn’t need anyone else by filing for divorce from my dad and we all went through together.” Minto’s probing, powerful songwriting about such topics shines through on this record which combines with vigorous musical arrangements from the band.  ‘I Can’t Drive’ is an arena sounding anthem. 

CRAWLERS will begin their first UK tour at the end of March, and are going from strength to strength with every new piece of music they release. They have built a large following already due to their combination of dynamic, vigorous songs with lyrics that are heavily emotive. It won’t be a surprise if this talent propels them to selling out areas in the future.

Words by Ester Scott