Introducing #215 - Bollo Bollo

Let us introduce you to Buckinghamshire four piece Bollo Bollo - who have just release there latest single ‘Liquid Heaven’ along with announcing their debut EP, which is due out this May. 

Taking influence from the like of Foals and Tame Impala, the band bring us a song about alcohol addiction, the sad routine like cycle that it can become, yet being unable to break from within its grasp. With the music video the band wanted to touch on the songs dark subject manner but in a more lighthearted and comical way, deliberately making the lyrics contrast with the song and videos overall upbeat tone.

They took a moment to talk to us about their music. 

Hey there Bollo Bollo, so your track ‘Liquid Heaven’ is out now. Can you tell us what the track is about?
It is indeed, the song is about addiction, in this particular case, alcohol addiction. The song is written from the perspective of a person suffering from the daily battle against their desires. The lyrics in the chorus are a conflict between what is really happening and how they justify their behavior to themselves. For example, "I've hurt my" is the first half of the first line, followed by "head and eyes" as the start of the second line, when put together you can hear the honesty in the person's statement. The ending of the chorus is then bringing them back to the "sobering" fact that "till I'm dry, ill carry on this session".

It is part of your debut EP, when can we get to hear that? What can we expect from it?
: Our debut EP 'Good Feeling About This' comes out on the 27th May 2022. This EP represents us as a band in the early stages, fusing our favorite influences with silky melodies and massive riffs to wiggle your booty to.

Along with the track, you have released a quirky music video. How does it connect to the song? Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us?
I was thinking of ways in which the video could connect with the lyrical content in a more lighthearted way when I suddenly had this rough idea of Brad trying to quit an addiction to eating oranges but having crazy visions of oranges popping up left right and center in his everyday life. We then worked together on fleshing out this idea writing many many different scenarios in which Brad could be involved in. In terms of locations, it was all a case of working out which scenes we could pull off and film ourselves really, luckily Brad works at a barber shop and we also have a friend that works at a gym we were able to use, so writing scenes to fit those 2 locations was a no brainer really! We loved the idea of doing the video completely ourselves with some help from a few people close to us (shout out to Katie Parfitt on the camera work) and hopefully the fun we had on set is reflected in the video! In terms of behind the scenes stories, I can confirm there was no way of seeing out of the orange heads so filming included a lot of walking into walls/bushes and many bumping heads, but we got there in the end, an outtakes video is on its way so keep an eye out

Where are you based? What are your favourite things to do there? Where do you go for adventures? Best place for a decent pint?
We are based in Buckinghamshire, scattered around a couple of towns, recently there has been a bit of an influx in local live shows which hasn't happened really since the 80s, or so we are told. So it has been great, not only to play gigs locally but to see our friends play and have a few drinks. Speaking of which, personally I really like the old King's head in Aylesbury for some local brews as well as the craft yard which is a little more swanky so usually can only justify 2 drinks max in there before hitting spoons

What are the key influences when it comes to your music?
: As a band, we all have slightly different influences so we love to bounce these influences off each other when it comes to writing! To name just a few important bands to us, Foals, The Cure and The Smiths are some biggies I’m sure you can hear hints of within our music. More recently we are hugely into Fontaines D.C. to me they are one of the most exciting bands around today! And to name one more personally I’ve recently felt massively inspired by Future Islands, the basslines and minimal instrumentation in their songs is just *chefs kiss*.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
At times atmospheric, at times brutal. Bollo Bollo’s sound is a combination of all of our influences, from Don Broco to the cure, from Fontaines DC to Girls Aloud. Luc brings powerful and tight grooves which I lock into with my unique dreamy bass tone. Sonny adds rich textured guitar lines whilst Brad belts out thought-provoking lyrics. When you combine all of that together it makes a sound tastier than the finest bamboo juice! Oh and we love reverb, absolutely love reverb.

Now ‘Liquid Heaven’ is out there - what next for you?
We will proceed to play as many shows as we can around the UK, teasing the sound of Bollo Bollo to as many people as possible. The future is bright, the future is orange.