Band Of The Week #192 - Fatherson

This week’s Band Of The Week is Glaswegian three-piece Fatherson - who have just released their album ‘Normal Fears’ via Easy Life Records. 

It is a lush lesson in letting go. Gorgeous, groove-led singalongs steeped in electronics find the band in a playful mode, putting break-ups, old ways of working and everyday worries behind them to start afresh, sunny side up.

They took a moment to talk to us about how the album came together. 

Hey there Fatherson, how are you? So your album is out now, how does it feel to have it out there in the world?
So Good! This record has been a real labour of love and we've kept it to ourselves for such a long time so it feels amazing send it out into the world to share it with everyone! We hope everyone likes it as much as we do.

It is called ‘Normal Fears’ - what is the meaning behind that?
The title for the record comes from a song called "Normal People" which kinda discusses the idea that people never really discuss the everyday worries that they carry around with them. The concept of a "Normal Fear" and how universal they are to everyone was really interesting to us, Ross' lyrics really speak about his worries and fears but in a way that feels comforting because if you recognise that these fears and universal to everyone, then it doesn't feel quite so scary anymore.

Where was it recorded? Any behind the scenes stories you are happy to share with us? 
The bulk of the album was made at RAK studios in London, we had a blast recording there but we didn't get off to the best start.... On the first day of tracking we had set up in Studio 2 and Marc decided to cook everyone some lunch in our adjoining accommodation. He was perhaps a little overenthusiastic whilst cooking as he set the fire alarm went off which we didn't realise was linked to the entire studio so everyone needed to be evacuated! We also didn't know that Sam Smith was recording a full string section in the main studio, so we had a pretty awkward (but lovely) chat with them whilst waiting for the alarms to be turned back off. Suffice it to say we didn't make the best impression haha!

What are the key themes and influences on the album? 
The record really found its' key themes around the Normal Fears title. We feel that there's some beauty in the collective everyday fears and problems that people face- break ups, money worries, health problems or even fall outs with friends are all things that happen to most people in life. Ross found a really lovely way of writing about these "Normal Fears" and we really hope that the people who listen to the album can can relate to these songs and find some comfort from them in some way.
Musically we really wanted to push the limits of what Fatherson has, and could be. Because of the circumstances and restrictions, we had a lot of time to explore with new sounds and working practises whilst writing the album. When we got into the studio we had so many ideas and new toys to play with, find sounds on vintage keyboards, bringing in guest vocalists, recording drums filled with ping pong balls, you name it we recorded it somewhere on this album! It was really refreshing to throw out the rulebook of how we had worked in the past and make a record for the love of making music!

Do you have a favourite lyric on the album? If so, which one and why? 
We've all probably got different ones, and I know mine changes quite regularly but the chorus of "Honest to God" always gets me. 
"Honest to God, I'm tired of trying so hard to find all of the pieces of me that I lost, somewhere along the line"
The way Ross writes will never cease to amaze and inspire me, it's absolutely ones of my favourite songs we've ever written!

If your album could be the soundtrack to any film - which would it be and why? 
Ooooooh, good question! I think it would be amazing to see "La La Land" or "Grease" remade with a Fatherson soundtrack, purely just to see what a big choreographed dance number would look like set to our music. Ross would also look amazing wearing Olivia Newton-John's leather trousers for the final number!

Now the album is out there - what next? 
We are going to be back out on the road playing as many shows as we possibly can foer the rest of the year! After so long away from touring, we really can't wait to see everyone for a big singalong together again!

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